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Manual Installation and Launch

The following sections explain how to install and launch AICA Core and any additional packages manually from the command line without the use of AICA Launcher. The pre-requisites are still a valid license and a host with Docker installed. For the rest of this guide, it will be assumed that a valid license has been saved to a file called aica-license.toml on the host machine.

Logging in to the AICA package registry

To authenticate docker to login and pull images from the registry, run the following command (no replacement of USERNAME required):

cat aica-license.toml | docker login -u USERNAME --password-stdin

Configuring AICA packages with a manifest file

A runtime application image is configured using a simple manifest file defining the version of AICA Core to use and optionally defining additional add-on packages. The manifest file contains a custom docker syntax header pointing to AICA's app-builder tool, and the docker build command is used to bundle all listed packages into a final runtime image.

Configuring a minimal runtime image with a version of AICA Core

The manifest file must contain a syntax header and a list of packages. The minimal version of the manifest includes only AICA Core as the core package. The version can be changed according to the available releases.


In the past, you might have seen applications using the aica-package.toml filename. While you can use any filename as we do not enforce any, we recommend using aica-application.toml to avoid confusion with the aica-package.toml file which is used for building packages using package-builder.


image = "v4.2.0"

Configuring a runtime image with add-on packages

A manifest can include additional components and hardware collections as add-on packages. For any available package listed in the AICA registry, specify the package and version with the @aica/ prefix. The following example manifest file includes two add-on packages: version 2.0.0 of the components/rl_policy_components component package and version 4.1.0 of the collections/ur-collection hardware collection package.


Starting with version 2.0.0 of the app-builder, all packages need to have special metadata associated in their image. This is done automatically when building with newer versions of app-builder. This means you won't be able to use older versions of certain libraries and packages with newer versions of app-builder.


"image" = "v4.2.0"

# add components
"@aica/components/rl-policy-components" = "v2.0.0"

# add hardware collections
"@aica/collections/ur-collection" = "v4.1.0"

Including custom packages

The AICA framework allows developers to build their own custom components. These packages can be included under a custom name using the docker-image:// prefix to specify the docker image name or path. For example, a custom component package that was locally built using docker build [...] --tag my-custom-component-package could be included as docker-image://my-custom-component-package. Community and third-party packages may also be available on other docker registries such as DockerHub or GitHub Container Registry and can be included with the associated docker path.


"image" = "v4.2.0"

# add a custom package from a local docker image path
"my-local-package" = "docker-image://my-custom-component-package"

# add a package from any docker path such as GitHub Container Registry
"my-ghcr-package" = "docker-image://"

Building an AICA runtime application image


Log in to the package registry before building the image to authorize docker to access AICA packages.

Once the desired packages have been configured in a manifest file, a docker build command can be used to build the runtime application image. In this example, a manifest file saved as aica-application.toml is used to build an image with the name aica-runtime.

docker build -f aica-application.toml -t aica-runtime .

The command docker image ls | grep aica-runtime should then list the aica-runtime image.

Starting the application container

You can start the AICA application container with the following command.


Change /path/to/license in the command below to the location of the aica-license.toml file from above. For example, use ~/.aica-license.toml to keep the license file hidden in the home folder.

docker run -it --rm \
--privileged \
--net=host \
-v /path/to/license:/license:ro \

When the container starts up, it will generate some initial output in the terminal window that should look something like the example below:

[2024-11-18 13:43:12 +0000] [87] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 21.2.0
[2024-11-18 13:43:12 +0000] [87] [INFO] Listening at: (87)
[2024-11-18 13:43:12 +0000] [87] [INFO] Using worker: eventlet
[2024-11-18 13:43:12 +0000] [100] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 100
[INFO] [rosapi_node-1]: process started with pid [151]
[INFO] [1731937392.265880595] [EventEngine.ServiceHandler]: Initializing event engine services
[INFO] [1731937392.270243234] [event_engine]: No initial application provided. Use the event engine service interface to set, initialize and start an application.
[2024-11-18 13:43:13 +0000] [100] [INFO] Starting sync of cloud applications
[INFO] [1731937393.151675196] [EventEngineInterface]: Successfully connected to Event Engine services
[2024-11-18 13:43:13 +0000] [100] [INFO] Synced cloud applications: 0 added, 0 updated, 0 deleted, 1 total

If there are any errors, check that the license file is valid and has been mounted correctly. For example, the following error would be shown from a correctly mounted but invalid license file:

[ERROR] [1731937393.377201011] [licensing]: Error: license is invalid (ERR - license is invalid), please check that it is correct

Contact AICA support if the container does not start correctly despite a valid license file.

There can also be harmless warnings that appear if Cloud Storage is not set up or if the license verification takes longer that a few seconds:

[2024-11-18 13:38:16 +0000] [135] [INFO] Starting sync of cloud applications
[2024-11-18 13:38:16 +0000] [135] [WARNING] Sync failed
[2024-11-18 13:08:42 +0000] [151] [INFO] Waiting for licensing status... 5
[WARN] [1731935323.407252919] [EventEngine.ServiceHandler]: (404): Could not determine any license status

Stopping the application container

To shut down the AICA application container at any time, press CTRL+C in the original terminal window. Alternatively, to stop the application container from a different terminal window, look up the container name with docker container ps and then run docker container stop <container_name>.

Persistent user data

AICA applications, URDF hardware and user configurations managed through the API or AICA Studio are stored in a database. Because the docker container is isolated from the host filesystem, the local database will be lost when the container exits. To persist local data between sessions, create a dedicated directory somewhere on the host. For example, use mkdir ~/.aica-data to keep the data folder hidden in the home folder. Then execute the normal run command with an additional volume mount for the user data.


Change /path/to/data in the command below to a desired location for the data (e.g., ~/.aica-data or elsewhere)

docker run -it --rm \
--privileged \
--net=host \
-v /path/to/license:/license:ro \
-v /path/to/data:/data:rw \

Setting a super-admin password

AICA Core v4.3.0 and later require authentication for AICA Studio and the API. If no users exist in the mounted user database, as is the case for a new configuration or when no data folder is mounted, a system administration password can be set through an environment variable which grants full administration rights.

docker run -it --rm \
--privileged \
--net=host \
-v /path/to/license:/license:ro \

Access the AICA Studio

Visit localhost:8080 in the browser while the container is running to view AICA Studio. If the AICA_SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variable was set, use the super-admin username and the provided password to log in as the system administrator.

Access the REST API

Visit localhost:8080/api to see the Swagger UI and documentation for the REST API.

Connect a terminal session to the container

It is sometimes useful to connect to the application container while it is running to inspect files or run commands. This can be accomplished with the docker container exec command using the container name.


Change CONTAINER_NAME in the command below to the name of the running container.

docker container exec -it -u ros2 CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash

The flags -it -u ros2 tell docker to attach an interactive terminal as the ros2 user. The command /bin/bash starts a shell process.


You can find the names of all running containers with the docker ps command.

Docker containers can also be given an explicit name when started with docker run --name CONTAINER_NAME [...].

Once attached, run any commands in the context of the container. For example, ros2 topic list will show the current ROS 2 topics.

Detach from the container with CTRL+D or with the exit command.

Display sharing


Native display sharing for GUI applications is only supported on Linux hosts.

To run GUI applications like RViz in the docker container, it is necessary to share additional environment variables for the display and X11 server.


Running xhost + disables access control to the X11 server on the host, allowing the container to access the display. It also allows any other process to access the server, which carries security implications. Use with caution.

Access control can be re-enabled with xhost -.

xhost +
docker container exec -it -u ros2 -e DISPLAY="$DISPLAY" -e XAUTHORITY="$XAUTH" CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash

You should then be able to run rviz2 inside the container and see the window appear.