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An application with hardware

Package requirements

This example requires the Universal Robots collection which includes example URDF content.


"image" = "v3.3.0"

"@aica/collections/ur-collection" = "v3.1.0"

URDF Hardware Manager

After starting the application container, open the Hardware tab of the Developer Interface (localhost:8080/dev/hardware). This page shows a table of available URDF files in the container database with a name and a description.

AICA hardware collections include example URDFs, which are shown on the table with a pad-lock icon indicating that they are not editable. Users can make an editable copy of a selected URDF with the "Save As" button, or upload and edit custom URDFs.


Refer to the section on Persistent user data on how to mount a container volume to persist database content between containers.

From the hardware manager table, select the entry named "Universal Robots 5e (mock interface)". The URDF content should appear on the right side of the page.

Universal Robots 5e (mock interface)
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<robot name="ur5e">
<ros2_control name="UniversalRobotsInterface" type="system">

The selected URDF specifies the hardware plugin robot_interface/MockInterface. This is a generic AICA plugin that mocks real robot hardware by perfectly following all commands and reflecting back the robot state.

The mock URDF will be used to demonstrate the hardware interface block in AICA applications.


Refer to the overview section Controlling robots with ros2_control for more context.

Setting up the application

Go to the Editor page using the top navigation bar or at localhost:8080/dev/editor and create a new application.

Enter the following YAML and generate the graph.

- hardware: mock_hardware
- controller: robot_state_broadcaster
hardware: mock_hardware
x: 0
y: 280
hardware: mock_hardware
activate: robot_state_broadcaster
components: {}
display_name: Mock Hardware Interface
x: 400
y: -80
urdf: Universal Robots 5e (mock interface)
rate: 60
plugin: modulo_controllers/RobotStateBroadcaster

The application graph should show a hardware interface with a controller and an event trigger.

mock hardware example graph

The example explained

Starting from the bottom, the top-level hardware field defines the hardware interfaces in an application.

In this case, there is one hardware interface called mock_hardware.

display_name: Mock Hardware Interface
x: 400
y: -80
urdf: Universal Robots 5e (mock interface)
plugin: modulo_controllers/RobotStateBroadcaster

The urdf field specifies the Universal Robots 5e (mock interface) URDF as identified on the hardware manager page.

The controllers field lists the controllers associated with the hardware interface. In this example, the only controller is the modulo_controllers/RobotStateBroadcaster, which is a generic AICA controller that broadcasts the robot joint states and transforms.


Learn more about available properties for application hardware on the YAML application syntax reference page.

Moving up the application, the components field is left empty because there are no components in this example.

components: {}

Above that, the application defines an event trigger button under the top-level buttons field.

x: 0
y: 280
hardware: mock_hardware
activate: robot_state_broadcaster

The on_click field defines the application events that are triggered with the event button is pressed. In this case, it triggers the switch_controllers event which is used to activate the robot_state_broadcaster controller on the mock_hardware interface.

The application begins with the on_start directive to list the initial application events.

- hardware: mock_hardware
- controller: robot_state_broadcaster
hardware: mock_hardware

In this case, the first event that occurs in the application is to load the mock_hardware hardware interface. After that, the robot_state_broadcaster controller is loaded.

Run the application

Putting it all together, pressing Play on this application should load the mock hardware interface and load the broadcaster controller. When the trigger button is pressed in the graph editor, the broadcaster will be activated.


The loading behavior of hardware interfaces and controllers may change in future versions to simplify "auto-load" procedures similar to component auto-lifecycle events

Visualize the mock robot in RViz


Only users with a Linux host can visualize the robot with RViz. Follow the steps in the Display sharing section to attach a new terminal to the running container.

Open RViz in the container with the rviz2 command.

In the Displays panel under Global Options, set the Fixed Frame to world.

Press Add or CTRL+N to add a new display and select the RobotModel plugin.

Under the RobotModel Description Topic, enter /mock_hardware/robot_description.


The robot description topic will correspond to the name of the hardware interface in the YAML application.

When the application is playing and the robot broadcaster controller has been activated, the robot model should appear in the RViz viewer.

mock hardware example rviz